Rifle Cleaning and Maintenance Supplies

Rifle maintenance and cleaning supplies are important factors in maintaining accuracy and extending barrel life.  A good bore guide and rifle cleaning rod are essential to the cleaning process.  Solvents and proper bore patches appropriate to the calibre are required.

Some specialized tools such as a chamber brush, chamber stick, and bolt lug cleaning kit are useful.

A jag is fitted to the end of the cleaning rod to hold the patch.  Rectangular patches are rolled around Parker Hale style jags whereas round or square pre-cut patches are pierced and held by pointed American style jags.  The choice of jag style is one of personal preference.  Many shooters in the UK prefer to use patches supplied on rolls, cut to size as needed.

Bore cleaning brushes come in three forms, nylon , stainless steel, and bronze.  The nylon brush can be used often and will withstand aggressive copper solvents.  The bronze brush is used as sparingly as possible to remove stubborn deposits of fouling.  The stainless steel brush, also known as a ‘Tornado Brush’ is reserved for cleaning a rusted or heavily fouled bore.  These stainless steel brushes are sometimes used by people doing firearms restoration work, but rarely if ever by shooters.

The best way to tell if your bore is properly cleaned is with the use of a bore scope.

We classify rifle cleaning and maintenance supplies into two categories; durable and consumables.  Cleaning rods and bore guides are durable, lasting literally forever if properly cared for.  Patches, solvents and brushes are consumables and need to be factored into the cost of shooting.  These consumables are most economical when purchased in bulk.